The Exam Artist

Become an Exam Artist. Pass exam without doubt

Final presentation

Hello everyone, this might be the last blog entry for the exam artist development for Spring 2020 Most of the feature is done, we are proud to present our trailer We also have the full video walkthrough with the commentary detailing everything from peeking to time freeze. We would like to thank you our TA…

Features and Gimmicks

Hello everyone, it has been a productive week. We excited to announce that we will be officially attend USC games expo 2020. Thank you everyone for everything you have done for us. In our project, there is a big overhaul implemented on it with many aesthetic changes and also implementation of many features. We have…

Advance and Moving Forward

After spring break, We have suffer some setback from the current situation with the pandemic. We skipped two weeks worth of blogs and have some time off during spring break but after consideration we decide to keep working on the project. All of the work we are going to do will be a remote work,…

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